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한동안 책상에 앉아서 하는 공부도 안한지라 영어 강의도 구입. 

영어 강의에서 배우는 것도 좋지만 강의 후 강사가 더 공부할 수 있도록 주는 팁이 굉장히 유용.

더 확장해서 실생활에서 내내 공부를 할 수 있는 material을 아카이빙 하겠음.


The English We Speak

Podcasts in English

EnglishClass101 by Innovative Language

Elementary Podcasts by the British Council


BBC Sounds

English Listening and Speaking

<Conversation Apps>

https://www.fluentu.comPractise /blog/english/english-speaking-online

BBC 6 Minute English

<Podcast App>







Formula E Car And Cheetah Face Off In An Epic Drag Race

A week before the December 2 season-opening race of the 2017 FIA Formula E Championship, Techeetah team driver Jean-Éric Vergne got behind the wheel for an unusual challenge. The French driver, who placed fifth at the 2016 FIA championship, tested his dri


<아래는 유튜버 돌돌콩님 추천 목록>

팟캐스트 : The Tim ferriss show, Unlocking Us - Brene Brown, Deep question with Cal Newport, Masters scale with Reid Hoffman

스포티파이 : The Michelle Obama podcast

NPR : How I built this 기업가들 스토리~

코미디 팟캐스트 -> conan o’brian needs a friend …토크쇼 형식 Literally with Rob lowe

그외 Essentialism

Scot young

You’re dead to me (역사)

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